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St Roque's Pastoral Centre

In the 1950s the property was passed on to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, who used the building as their headquarters and as a Blood Bank. In 1997, the Parish of St Paul’s Shipwreck, Valletta, regained ownership of the property. The building was cleaned and restored through the initiative of the Archpriest, along with a number of volunteers.

Home to Teen Klabb & Faith Formation

In January 2015, a group of youths embarked on a project, Teen Klabb. This project targeted adolescents in Valletta and its surroundings. Teen Klabb, has been launched with the aim of creating a safe formative space and assist the adolescents spiritually, taking a holistic approach by integrating faith and learning.

The Faith Formation project was born a few years later, that seeks to provide an environment where children and adolescents from different walks of life can be nurtured and supported spiritually.

The Adoration Chapel

The adoration chapel Adoremus opened its doors on the feast of Pentecost in 2020 and from that day on, many people have visited this quiet chapel to be spiritually sustained.

 “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.” Psalm 42:2

The Restoration Project

The support of Kenosis was instrumental in the restoration project of the Palazzino at 196, St Ursula Street, Valletta. The foundation helped the Parish of St Paul’s Shipwreck, Valletta, to obtain the full funding which amounted to half a million euro.

Before Restoration

Due to the deteriorating condition of the property’s façade, intense restoration was required.

After Restoration

Internally, renovation works were essential in the courtyard, the masonry staircase, the cellar, the Sala Nobile and the property’s walls and ceilings.

The project also consisted of the installation of mechanical and electrical services, the installation of bathrooms and the laying of tiles and gypsum. At the roof level, more restoration works were required, and a lift and a number of steel bridges were also installed in order to increase accessibility within the property.

The Planning Authority provided the main funding for the project through the Development Planning Fund. Perit Silvienne Camilleri led this project from the very beginning and saw it through to the end. Perit Steve Scicluna also contributed towards the project when needed. Other main contributors included APS bank, MFSA, Farrugia Family Gozo, Rockwell Investments, BOV and Fenlex.