The story behind Faith Formation
We hear much about the fast and busy life we are living in, rushing from one activity to the next. Even our children been drawn into this lifestyle. Sometimes we consider life as ‘hop-on hop-off’ from one place to the other, from one adventure to the next.
Family life was previously formed and built upon the local parish, but we now have many spaces to choose from, which may compete with the particular calling one may have to serve in a pastoral context. Our calling within the Faith Formation section of Kenosis Foundation is to provide pastoral help within the parishes and with the catechetical formation of children, pre-adolescents and adolescents.
Apart from catechism, we also find time to socialise together with the aim of getting to know each other on an informal basis which also allows us to share the Gospel on a practical level.
Our Vision
The Church’s vision today insists that the evangelizing mission begins in our working and living environments. The Church is called to have a constant heart on mission and this is why every active ministry must be directed towards the fulfilment of this vision. Our catechists seek to keep this vision at the forefront of our mission and carry it out in a tangible way.
Our Mission
The Holy Spirit Sustains Us
Faith Formation provides meetings once a week and other activities throughout the year. Our calling is to accompany children and adolescents throughout their journey of faith, to discover Jesus and encourage them to respond to His faithful love.
We also understand the responsibility of working with minors and for this reason, the foundation offers safeguarding courses by professional trainers to all who serve within its ministries.
Through Faith Formation we seek to provide an environment where children and adolescents from different walks of life can be nurtured and supported spiritually. The pastoral approach can be compared to a fertile land, with God as the provider who sows seeds in the hearts of His people in accordance with His will.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain”(Ps. 127:1).
This bible verse reminds all those who form part of this pastoral ministry that the project ultimately belongs to God and is a tool in His hands. Our call is to continuously seek and acknowledge that God is already at work in the lives of the children and adolescents, and to discern ways of assisting them to discover Him more.
With this in mind, prayer and the sacraments must be integrated in the lives of the helpers and catechists. It is through this interior life that they are able to listen to God and be able to ask for the grace to understand, teach and support while appreciating every child and adolescent as a unique child of God.