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Mission Update

July - December 2023

We are thankful to God that summer was jam-packed with activities. We started off with a weekend for leaders in preparation for summer and the youths joined us for a day at San Martin. The youths were also given the chance to go to Splash & Fun several times, an activity that was always accompanied by Mass. We also had the opportunity to spend some weekends together in Gozo. These gave us the space to rest, build community between us and, above all, pray together.

The first of two notable experiences was when a group from our team attended World Youth Day in Lisbon, an experience that definitely bore a lot of fruit. During this time other leaders continued taking care of the activities of the Faith Formation and Teen Klabb.

The second experience was the live-in organised for who received their Confirmation. The youths had an excellent time and the weekend proved to be a formative experience that continued to strengthen Teen Klabb mission.

October takes the youths back to school and the Faith Formation continues with catechism, in preparation for their Holy Communion and Confirmation. In November the preparation for Christmas activities began, that eventually led us to Christmas week, where we participated in the procession with baby Jesus around the streets of Valletta. We also had the Christmas party, where we gave out presents to our youths. The culmination of these events was reached on Christmas Eve when the youths participated in carol singing and three youths recited the traditional Christmas sermon during Mass.

We have successfully conducted these activities with the generous support of donors who support us year after year. We thank God for all that He is doing with us.

“Bless the LORD, my soul; all my being, bless his holy name!
Bless the LORD, my soul; and do not forget all his gifts.”Ps 130:1-2