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Rokku "Il-King"

No clue of where you came from, no time to say goodbye.

This is our experience of our dear Rokku, a smart and beloved cat who visited the centre every day.

From early in the morning, whenever you slept in rather than out in the streets, you would wait for the chapel door to open and off from there you start your usual stride around Valletta, on the hunt for some food from your loyal feeders. Later on, you’d return and wait for someone to enter from the chapel once again to slip into the center, so that you can relax in one of your corners or sofas. Once you learned how the lift works, Miaw! Miaw! Miaw you call it then, off you go up on the roof.

Rokku Rokku semmejnik
Għax mill-ewwel ħabbejnik.
Kemm ferraħtna u daħħaqtna
Żgur se nibqgħu insemmuk.

Flok niddisispra, nirrangrazzja
‘il maħbub  Alla ħabba fik
Għax ftit aktar minn sentejn,
Il-providenza għoġobha tatik

Ħajja ħelwa fuq kull livell
Kont timilni b’ħafna ferħ,
Kif narak jew nisma’ leħnek
Ninsa’ kollox sal-present.

Rokku, Rokku we called you
As from the start we loved you.
You brought us so much joy and laughter
That we’ll definitely remember you.

Instead of despairing,
I am grateful to God for you.
Since the divine providence
Chose to give you two years with us.

A sweet life from every aspect,
You filled us with so much joy.
As soon as we’d hear your voice or see your face,
We’d instantly let go of our worries.