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A safe formative space

In January 2015, a group of youths embarked on a project, Teen Klabb, targeting pre-teens and adolescents in Valletta and its surroundings. Teen Klabb, has been launched with the aim of creating a safe formative space, striving to impart social skills. We also seek to assist the pre-teens and adolescents holistically by integrating emotional and social learning with faith.

Local parishes are currently facing a shortage in human resources and due to professional demands and regulations. Thus, pastoral care with adolescents is becoming more challenging. Teen Klabb aspires to fill this gap.

What we do at Teen Klabb

Provide an Alternative Safe Space

Valletta is serviced by a number of leisure spaces, bars and restaurants. Nevertheless, there is a vacuum when it comes to healthy social spaces where pre-teens and adolescents can meet in a safe environment.

Monitoring while socialising

The pre-teens and adolescents are given the opportunity to interact with others of the same age while being monitored by the dedicated helpers with different professional backgrounds.

Channelling the team’s skills

Channelling the team’s skills in the right directions, activities and events that take place and are tailor-made for the pre-teens and adolescents’ needs.

Learning whilst Serving

Teen Klabb provides a learning environment for the helpers since it is proven that there is no better way to increase one’s knowledge than through hands-on experience.

Celebrating birthdays

Celebrating the pre-teens and adolescents’ birthday is important because it shows them that they are valued. We go the extra mile by giving them a thoughtful gift on their birthday.


Serving food and snacks during Teen Klabb is essential to initiate interaction, since adolescents seek to be welcomed and accepted.

Our Activities

  • Weekly Wednesday hangouts
  • Regular outings throughout the year
  • Yearly Live-ins
  • School Outreach
  • Music Classes – weekly guitar and piano lessons.