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History shows us that after every battle there is victory. We also know that after every victory, there is great loss on both sides that is not redeemable. For these the trumpets of victory might as well remain silent as the noise from the loss would be much louder.

In our life the same can happen – the pain and worry are more persistent and their noise drowns out the sound of any triumphs we may have. The feast of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus from death, shows us a victory that triumphed over every loss. After personally meeting this reality of resurrection, St Paul confessed

“What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ” (Philippians 3:8)

So I ask what is there to gain? The way I recognise and respond to the fact that God loves me. I start from myself – if the sound of the drums of war are making more noise in my life it’s like I’m saying to God that my worries are bigger than Him.

Your resurrection Lord is a guarantee that no worry is bigger than You. So in the same way You came out victorious over death, I invite you to enter deeper in my heart and once again allow me to hear the trumpets of victory that you acquired for me.