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Something that every person has as a common experience is fear, that can sometimes negatively effect our actions and behaviour. When I’m in a situation where I am overwhelmed by fear, one thing I notice is that my voice is louder. Just because one voice is louder it doesn’t give it any priviledge over another or make it the absolute truth in that circumstance or in the thoughts present in that particuar moment.

When fear rises it doesn’t allow me to go deeper and discover new wisdom in the situation I will be in, the experience I will be living. Physically healthy, material wealth, and success can in the moment help numb certain feelings, however when fear rears its ugly head it’s very easy to become enslaved by it.

God commands us that whoever seeks will find. When we meet with fear let’s not see it as a barrier and retreat, closing in and submissing ourselves to our own voice. Let’s take it as a challenge so that instead of letting it hold us back, we can see it as a sign that we need to go deeper. When we do this, we are in the process of discovering this hidden gift that is waiting for us, this hidden gift that is nothing better than discovering that I am loved by God and God is interested in my fears. This truth should fill us with hope and God’s hope never lets us down. Why doesn’t it disappoint? Because

“hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5)

Let’s pray for this hidden gift, the Spirit of God, so that it may bring transformation in our lives. We remember the apostles, when they were locked in the cenacolo full of fear, but as soon as the Holy Spirit fell upon them, the fear abated and they become new men risen with Christ.

In the quiet of our hearts, let’s pray in faith and hope: come Holy Spirit with Your power on me today. Don’t bother to repeat it. Shalom.